Two geeks, two cats in an airstream.

Posts for Gaijin Survival Guide

Visiting the Dentist In Japan

So there I was, eating my eggs and toast for breakfast when I detected something hard and suspiciously tooth-like rattling around in my mouth. This…

How Huge is Anne?

I'll be up front; I don't like talking too much about my state of health. For me, it's deeply personal, something I only share with…

The Minority Report

I'm keen on new experiences in life, and one I was looking forward to was being a minority and a foreigner living in a foreign…

Walking in Tokyo

Curiously, one of my strongest impressions of Tokyo is my experience walking in the city. In America, urban planners are often besides themselves trying to…

My first job in Japan: GABA

To be in Japan longer than 3 months I needed to have a full time job of some kind. Most work in Japan requires some…

Religion in Japan

For better or worse: better Let me just say straight away, I have a huge bias on this topic. I've been an agnostic and atheist…