Hitch – The Adventures of Trail & Hitch

Two geeks, two cats in an airstream.

Posts for Hitch

Picking a Tow Vehicle for an Airstream Trailer

When we decided to hit the road, Trail knew she wanted an Airstream. What we weren't so sure about was what vehicle should we tow…

Picking a Hitch for Your Airstream Trailer

One thing I found challenging when going on the road was figuring out what kind of hitch I needed to buy. I had no experience…

Trail and Hitch vs The Immovable Implement

[caption id="attachment_263" align="alignright" width="200"] Atwood 3000 Power Jack[/caption] On a blustery Autumn morning, Trail (Anne) and I found ourselves once again with full sewage tanks…

One year of living in an Airstream

It's now been more than a year since we moved into our Airstream. It seems like a good time for a little reflection on where…