Westfield KOA is probably the all around nicest KOA park we have yet stayed at. The price is somewhat high but you get a good quality stay for the money spent.
We Paid: $46 per night for 2 nights
Discounts Used: KOA Membership
Address (GPS Link): 8001 East Lake Road Route 5 Westfield, NY 14787
Website: http://koa.com/campgrounds/westfield/
Amenities List: Power, Water, Sewer, Camp Store, Games Room, Pool, Jacuzzi, Playground, Field Games, Free Wireless, Bathrooms, Private Showers, Laundry, Cabins, Tent Camping, Propane, Lake Fishing, On-Sight food service
Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Best Features
- Pretty grounds
- Nice Location
Worst Features
- Expensive
- Road Noise
The Details
Westfield KOA ranks up as one of the nicest KOA’s we’ve stayed at. Most KOAs are decent but come with a somewhat high price. Westfield has the price, but it is in a pretty nice location near the shore of Lake Erie and goes the distance on a few extra amenities that most KOA’s don’t offer which made for a very pleasant stay. Westfield actually has everything I think is required to call itself a resort: pool, spa, food service, and a rec hall/game room as well as some kind of scenic attraction. The only think mitigating that is that each is pretty small in scale. The pool is more a place to cool off than to swim and the food service has a limited selection of Pizza, Wings, and deep fried Smelt from the lake.
The private showers were nice, but they are pretty small and I had to do some gymnastics to get my socks on without getting them wet after my shower. That said, the hot water was delightfully hot. There is a nice public park right across from the Westfield and a marina and beach just a block or two up the road. Westfield is no tourist mecca, but it is a sweet little roadside town with a long history and some spiffy local eateries. If you don’t mind a one to two hour drive, you can get to Niagra Falls from here.
Like many KOA’s the site itself is very pretty with the perfect combination of large trees for shade, well-maintained lawns, and smooth gravel pads and roads. They really know how to make a park feel like a park. There is a bit of road noise from Route 5, just on the edge of the park. It’s not enough to make it through a closed up camper, but if you have the windows open it is a constant whine of engines going by. The wifi is free, but we found it didn’t reach very far into the park with much of a signal, something they could stand to improve.
Like every KOA, I wish it was cheaper. Even with our membership discount, I consider the price to be high. It is the only reason I can’t quite give Westfield a perfect score. Well, there might be one other reason…

Um, I may have embellished this photo a bit. The footsteps are really there and lead to the game room under the office. The glowing eyes and “Free Ice-cream” seemed appropriate additions somehow.